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Lower elementary French course (Mon PM)

A two-month, 12-hour course for deeper knowledge of French language and culture (textbook included)

  • Started Apr 8
  • 300 US dollars
  • Suntree Academy

Service Description

If you are not an absolute beginner but you know just enough French to introduce yourself, order a coffee and a croissant and manage a hotel reservation and you want to broaden your communication skills, this course is for you! Si tu sais juste dire ton nom et ta nationalité, commander un café et un croissant et réserver une chambre d’hotel et tu souhaites élargir tes compétences, ce cours est idéal pour toi ! What’s covered: Topics / Sujets du cours La routine quotidienne / Describe your daily routine La famille / Talk about your family La description physique / Physical description of people La ville et les activités touristiques/ Describe a city and tourist activities Demander et indiquer le chemin / Ask and give street directions Faire son marché / Grocery shopping Dire ses goûts alimentaires / Food preferences How do you know this is the right level for you? See if you can correctly answer at least 6 out of 8 questions: 1 - Can you say these numbers in French? 9, 15, 28, 30, 44, 50. 2 - How do you ask someone their name formally in French? 3 - How do you say I like hiking/shopping/cooking in French ? 4 - What is the female for "coiffeur" et "infirmier"? 5 - What is the present tense of travailler? Tu ……., nous ……., vous ……… 6 - How do you say “I don’t speak French” ? 7 - What is the present tense of “to be” in French? Je ….., elle ……, vous ……, ils …… 8 - What does "il y a" mean? Solutions/Réponses: 1 - Neuf, quinze, vingt-huit, trente, quarante-quatre, cinquante. 2 - Vous vous appelez comment ? / Comment vous appelez-vous ? 3 - J’aime la randonnée/le shopping/la cuisine 4 - Coiffeuse, infirmière 5 - Tu travailles, nous travaillons, vous travaillez 6 - Je ne parle pas français 7 - Je suis, elle est, vous êtes, ils sont 8 - There is / there are.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Suntree Language Academy, 1423 Tyrell Lane, Boise, ID, USA


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